Forum Searching

The search feature on the forums is back up and running.

There are a few caveats though.  First, no more than 5 users can search at a time.  I’ve been testing on this and more than that number starts to really cause degraded performance.  Second, you can’t click your browser’s "Stop" button and then try to resubmit a search.  If you do, you’ll end up having to wait 5 minutes before you can search again.  This is to prevent multiple searches for the exact same thing by the same person.  Searches can take up to 60 seconds to run (although at times of low load it should be 10 seconds or less), please be patient and wait for them to finish.  Finally, search results are limited to 500.  To be honest though, if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the top 500 results, you’re probably not going to find it.

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