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DaZeDNCoNfUsEd 11-14-2006 06:13 PM

Prices for paint job.
I was just wondering what a normal price is for a decent paint job. No body work, nothing fancy, just repainted the same color. I've gotten one quote so far for $2500. Is that about what I should expect to pay? I don't want to go to one of those cheap $399 places, but I figured I could get a decent job done for somewhere in between.

It's a 92 Z28 by the way.

TheScaryOne 11-14-2006 07:10 PM

If you want them to sand, fill the little dents and repair any that are too large, then primer, and give it a good professional coat of paint, you're looking at 2500+. Paint ain't cheap anymore. :/

JeffW 11-15-2006 10:24 AM

where u from, the market is diffrent in areas of the country, any idea what brand paint they use that also plays a roll in pricing.


turbochargedrs 11-17-2006 10:19 AM

I'd say if you want an amazing paint job go with HOK paint but if your just looking for decent new paint then you can try a bodyshop or maaco. I saw a maaco paint job on here and it looked really good and im pretty sure he paid around 2000 for his. I've got a bodyshop paint job on mine and im not exactly sure what the cost of painting was because they were already painting the front end because of an accident but it cant be that much because with all the parts and labor to fix the car then all the prep work for paint and post paint work it totalled at about 3200. ill post a pic up a little later for you but my car has some dirt on it around the wheel thanks to four days of rain in the fall but you'll get the idea.

92RS(real slow) 11-17-2006 09:54 PM

arm and a leg:lmao: probaly about 2500-3000

Dolfan348454999 11-29-2006 08:38 AM

Thats about how much I am paying. I have a white 92 z28. You gotta remmber all the emblems and stuff start to add up. There like 30 bucks a piece.

tenpin842 11-29-2006 09:19 AM

We paint cars, and yes $2500.00 is about right. (im in Michigan) If you get into painting the car another color, then it goes up because you have to repaint all the jams. I also agree on the paint and clear used. Some clears cost $300.00 just for a gallon.
For most cars we use Omni paint and clear. If people want something better we use DBU. Then of coarse better quality....the price goes up.
But if no body work is needed or no rust to fix (or replace panels) I hate rust!
$2500.00 is a pretty fair price for a good paint job.

dennisbernal91z 12-04-2006 09:18 AM

I am getting my car painted, its a white 91 Z28. Getting painted white and it was white, but I am going all out and having it jammed anyways. Costing my $3000+ anything extra. Stuff like getting the bumpers acid dipped to strip them is extra, and so is any hard bodywork. If there is a little dent here and there, whatever, but if you have a more than a few, that is extra... Then there is any custom stuff (or course extra) and stuff like that.

I am currently in a bind for emblems myslef. I need only 1 91 Z28 GFX emblem. Sucks... super hard to find. I found 2 on ebay sell for $100 bucks!!! CRASYNESS. Oh well. Good luck with your paintjob. This place I went to was cheaper than the average. Other custom body shops wanted at least 5 grand. so 3 was a DEAL. :)

86NiteRider 12-13-2006 02:33 AM

I am paying $2400.00 for mine but well worth it.

xpndbl3 12-13-2006 01:45 PM

i spent $1300 on materials alone, not counting ANY labor. So take that into account. I'd imagine my paint job if paying at a body shop to be in the $5500-6000 catagory, for a complete color change, the entire car stripped to bare metal, ALL dents filled in, antenna shaved, etc etc. Bumpers front and rear stripped and smoothed.

jay92,85,79 12-13-2006 09:42 PM

Wow xpndbl3 that car looks good in that pic. But I would say anywere from 2500 and up.. And them 2500 $ jobs are getting hard to do. The cost of paint keeps going up

tj willy 12-14-2006 03:17 PM

Correction. The cost of paint to US, the cosumer, keeps going REALLY up. - I have someone on the inside.... Thanks goodness. Family-in-law's business.

dennisbernal91z 12-15-2006 07:33 AM

I had my car stripped to metal, doors, fenders, and a whole bunch of stuff shaved, bumper and nose dipped and stripped, all dents filled and a complete color change, jams and all. Car fully assembled, looks new. Cost was $3000. check my CD site if you wanna see it.

xpndbl3 12-15-2006 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by jay92,85,79 (Post 3156136)
Wow xpndbl3 that car looks good in that pic. But I would say anywere from 2500 and up.. And them 2500 $ jobs are getting hard to do. The cost of paint keeps going up

:lol: I wonder why jay.....oh yea, because you painted this camaro. :thanks:

v10viper04 12-15-2006 04:15 PM

Here at my class in B.O.C.E.S (Its a tech school) we just charge for the materials we use on the vehicle, no labor, (which is good b/c the consumer ALWAYS gets screwed with labor) but thats how we do it, its b/c we need vehicles to practice on and i mean its pretty serious in there and we have expireinced teachers who know all about bodywork. Even if it seems like were just kids and doing bodywork it still comes out great! I'm gonna paint my camaro some time next year.
O and paint is a ***** to buy, its very exspensive!. We had to buy a pint of bluish/green pant for a honda civic and it cost $104 bucks. I was amazed! You can buy a gallon at that price.

Kandied91z 12-17-2006 11:29 PM

just got the bill for my new kandy paint. direct from the paint company it was $2400 and some change for the primer/color tints/clear.

paint is what it is.... you want to be smart check out the shop and the work they do compared to the prices. there is no right answer but for what you asking 2-3k range is not hard to see. also to save money try to take the car apart as much as you can. some shops charge as much as $1,000 plus in this area to take off pieces and put them on. i'd like to say i don't want to know what my paintjob will cost in the end but when insurance comes around i do.


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