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MRZ28HO 02-02-2003 11:56 AM

SC3G Meeting Review (2/1/03)
The turn out was rather good. Attendance was by the following members:
John Burnside, Brittney Southwell, Lang, George Lara, George Scala, Lisa Lynn, Danny Piasecki, Chris Foster, Tom Foster, Bret Donaldson, Kevin Lorentzen, Don Lorentzen, Fred Young, Lon Salgren, Mike Perez (and Martha), James Fearn, Jennifer Wilson, Chris ?.

We had three new members attend (Chris ?. is a to-be, courtesy of Mike P.). We started out with the introductions, and some comedic relief. You had to be there. Since the elections could affect my proposals, I decided to have them first. I am happy to report that the officers will be serving a second term, unchallenged. I know I speak for the officers when I say thank you for your trust in what we have, are, and will do. We are honored to be re-elected. We have BIG plans for this club to grow.

We discussed our web hosting. I'd like to see our site updated, and for that I will be hosting our website on my personal website. I will first need to upgrade it though. This allows for our webmasters to utilize FTP and other Windows/Mac friendly applications. Hopefully we will be able to go ahead and update all of your profiles.

Next order of business was assuring the membership info was correct. Luckily everyone had posted corrections to my post and minimized the need to pass around the list. I also handed out my proposed "guidelines" as to membership levels and events. Though it was received with "open arms", there were a couple of issues with it. Considering it was a rough draft, it went rather well. One such item of discussion was, ... should we keep the membership open to only online prospects? This debate turned up some interesting ideas, as well as some issues that may need further resolvement. For the time being, we all decided the if there is a potential member, it would be very gracious if a member in the same area can "take them under their wing". They would then be in contact with a member that has an internet connection. Although, it should also be suggested that there are other ways of having access to the internet (such as the local library). I believe we still need to discuss if we will need to have designated "member sponsors" for this such thing. Currently it will be up to the members to decide if they want to under take such as task, strictly voluntarily.

We then proceeded to discuss the possibility of having the meeting location revolved around different areas of Southern California. The main argument against this is that some of our members would be "confused" as to where the next scheduled meeting will be. We also will entertain the possibility of Auto Nation allowing us to use another facility. Valencia Chevrolet is an Auto Nation partner. Fred is kind enough to be willing to ask. It was also proposed to have a meeting just prior to a "big event". Currently, we will keep the meetings at Valencia Chevrolet until further notice, please note that Valencia Chevrolet will remain as our primary meeting location.

There was also some heated debating regarding the member status and what qualifies as an official event. This even brought out the opinions of Sir Mike P. (rarely does he voice his opinion, he's a very quiet guy). The guidelines will be printed in the new SC3G newsletter, due out in early March (by email). What we decided was to keep the member status as is. The "official event" issue was due to a misunderstanding. Partially my fault for being vague. Official events are only considered such when recruiting a new member, since we have a stipulation that says "... to be a member, you must attend an SC3G event". But to existing members, this does not apply. I will redraft the "guidelines" to make it clear on all vague subjects, as well as relieve areas that could lead to assumptions.

Since we were on the subject ... we entertained the thought of having non-car related events. I forget the prime examples, but they could be (for example) a tour of a facility, sports type situations, etc ... Yes we are a car club, but that does not mean we will only do car-related events.

The final note of worthiness was dues. Yes, dues. But I don't want it to be mandatory, I don't believe we are at that level yet (or if we will get to that level). We would need to seriously analyze our financial options and any legal ramifications we may encounter. For the time being, we will look at the possibility of accepting "donations" to assist with the club. We will notify the membership when this is resolved.

Now on to the good stuff ... show and tell!

First up was the video shot from my car at the "TCC" (what was the "official" name of the cruise?) cruise. We had a total of 13 3rd gen F-bodies in attendance. Great shots of all the fun, and two of not so much fun. Next up was Lon. He displayed his new front air dam protector, design to minimize damage cause by driveways to your air dam (which helps divert air to your radiator). He then showed us some upper strut mounts that are still available from GM. Yet, at better prices (depending where you get it) than retail auto parts store. Very nice to know these are still available to us. One final thing for show and tell was the article in Hot Rod magazine. I provided a little bit of information about CMC racing, which the article talked about. It also had a nice shot of Nick Steel and his 1992 Z28.

Well, that is all for the meeting that is of interest. I would like to thank all of those that came out and made an effort to attend, I appreciated your time.

Those in attendance, please excuse the order of discussions, if it is incorrect. I had to work with what was given to me. I think we need to have a better minute taker (Secratary), the current one sucks (no offensive to that person). ;)

lonsal 02-02-2003 03:06 PM

GPL, Good job of summarizing the Meeting. I agree that another note-taker would be helpful, not to imply that you were bad at it. It is just hard to try and conduct a Meeting and take pertinent notes as well.

Lon :cool:

MRZ28HO 02-02-2003 07:58 PM

Originally posted by lonsal
GPL, Good job of summarizing the Meeting. I agree that another note-taker would be helpful, not to imply that you were bad at it. It is just hard to try and conduct a Meeting and take pertinent notes as well.

Lon :cool:

Thanks Lon. :) But, yeah you shouldn't imply that, because I do suck at it. We all witnessed it. :sillylol: See, my noggen works for something (some memory). ;)

third jenn 02-04-2003 12:06 AM

that was a good meeting, especially being my first, it wasn't all that boring and there were alot of good issues discussed.

but hey....need less female jokes, especially when we're right there in the room! :p ::cough::kevin::cough:: it's all in good fun though i suppose, plus i'm sure some of you can't help it :)

Kevin91Z 02-04-2003 02:06 AM

Why are you always pointing fingers at me?? :confused:

MRZ28HO 02-04-2003 12:11 PM

Jenn, that's why we need more females ... to put some of us in our place ( ::cough::kevin::cough:: :sillylol: ).

I think it was our most active, productive meeting so far.

injdinjn 02-04-2003 04:36 PM

Good point Jen
For some of us it is uncontollable reaction.
Probably due to a lack of or too much of something.

injdinjn 02-09-2003 07:26 PM

Actually though, in reviewing the meeting, no one one was immune to the retoric, I think most everybody shot and ducked about the same amount, some just didn't duck fast enough.
And it keeps your mind sharp.

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