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Vader 10-10-2001 11:37 PM

A note to all you "old-timers" at TGO...
I apologize for posting a non-technical thread here, but this board gets a lot of exposure to a large number of members. Since this may affect a lot of our members, it was the only place I could find to get the message out.

Ede should lock it pretty soon anyway, but you can still read it.

Some of you may have relatives and friends that are serving in military support and actions in defense of our countries. Some of you may also be aware that several of our members are in service to the U.S. government and are currently involved in the conflict in Afghanistan.

I just wanted people to know that I have been in contact with a couple of them through email, and attitudes are very positive. For those of you that know of them, I have relayed our collective thanks, appreciation, and pride in the work they are doing. They appreciate the support, and are doing well.

I'm hesitant to mention names, primarily out of respect for their privacy and security, and for the families they may have left here while they perform their duties. Please remember to maintain their privacy in your posts and emails for their protection. This is a new kind of war, and we don't want to help the enemy in any possible way. The internet goes everywhere.

This is a very good time to be an American - not simply because we are beating down a deserving enemy, but because we are doing the right thing for all posterity. History should highlight this period as a shining moment. I for one am humbled by the fact that our best and bravest are representing us at our moment in history.

I'm proud to be part of a country that is working with so many nations to finally clean up our planet. I hope others in our allied nations take the same pride in their services and governments. We appreciate the cooperation and support. The cooperation of our allied nations makes this a great moment for our human race. I'm glad I'm here to see it.

I hope the dust bags in the desert have finally realized that they have finally sealed their own fates. It will be very satisfying to kill this disease, give the country back to the real Afghans, and move on to the next handful of dirt bags. The game called "life" has new rules - play along by the rules, or it's "game over" for you. Just remember that it is our relatives, neighbors, friends, and even our brothers and sisters on the message boards that are making this possible. We're all in this, so just remember that those faces you see on the news clips may be people we all know. They are proud to be serving, and we should be very proud of them.

10-10-2001 11:51 PM

I sure hope that the path we are headed on doesnt take any anti-war anti-violence political BS turns, because it is about time that the world rids itself of these leeches. At least things did not turn out as they wanted or expected and an extremely large mass of nations and people turned against them and their 'cause'.

I too have some friends who are over there, havent heard much though since this started. Seems like its been pretty much a cakewalk though. Hopefully things will continue and we can find all of these morons and get rid of them. I had an idea I forwarded to the proper people to help on this side of the fence that probably will never happen but it would more than likely work. We'll see.

Freedom forever.

Curious, what constitutes an "old-timer?"

[This message has been edited by madmax (edited October 10, 2001).]

Grim Reaper 10-10-2001 11:54 PM

Actually Jeff, let's hope that Ede keeps it open. If Ede prefers, he can transfer it to the DIY PROM Board and I will leave it open. But I agree that leaving the post on the Tech Board will give more exposure.

I think it is a nice gesture to all the Service Men and Women to let them know that people "back home" are thinking of them and to give them a little "taste of home" as many are "gear heads and hot rodders" also.

gruveb 10-11-2001 01:23 AM

I was in the military as a young, rather confused kid. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing there, but I did know that I represented a force that helped protect my family, my friends, the people close to me, as well as the people who I didn't always appreciate. For that I was very proud. For that I worked harder than I had ever worked before or have ever worked since.

I wasn't sure that our government always was doing the right thing. I rest assured that we ARE doing the right thing NOW. This is NOT Viet Nam. This is NOT conflict in Bosnia or Central America. This is in our HOME.

Along with many other veterans, I feel the call to serve. My country is made up of my wife, my kids, my extended family. That is who we need to protect. All of our families.

I am with you other three who have written just before me, let's show our support of those who are doing what it is that needs to be done. Even if you don't fully agree, stand behind them and appreciate what it is that they are putting on the line for you, your family and your loved ones. They are risking the possibility that they may never be able to spend time with their children, spouses and families so that you can spend time with yours.

G O D Bless America!!!!!!

Matt87GTA 10-11-2001 01:52 AM


1987 GTA L98 MD8
355, TFS Heads, LT4 Hot Cam

The Minnesota F-body Club

West Coast GTA Man 10-11-2001 07:03 AM

Thanks for the info Vader, my prayers and thoughts go out to all those from Thirdgen that are serving our country, and all the other brave men and women that are protecting this country, and trying to put an end to terrorism around the world. *** Bless them all!


Check out My Car Pics

Gran Turismo Americano "The Ultimate Firebird"
Smokin 1989 GTA- Bone stock except for exhaust. (no catalytic-stainless pipe into Flowmaster 2 chamber) & AC Delco Rapid Fire Plugs

ede 10-11-2001 07:09 AM

am i that bad? beside if i did lock it vader could open it again.

ICON Motorsports
1st & 3rd
MM Black Diamond 538 F&AM

Engineboy 10-11-2001 07:45 AM

Well said Vader..(as usual )

ASE Mechanic/Machinist/Smog Tech

1999 NBM Trans Am
1986 Chevy 3/4 ton pick up
1981 corvette
1995 Kawi ZX6R
and 2 POS commuters...

R.I.P. #3
"He can see air"

Vader 10-11-2001 12:25 PM

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by ede:
am i that bad? beside if i did lock it vader could open it again.
...Not that bad, that GOOD. You usually catch the errant posts and deal with them a lot sooner than I even see them.

Not a flame at all, just a good ribbing. You're only "that bad" when you forget to send you ol' buddy Vader your "spare set" of JE domed pistons to try out for a few hundred thousand miles. I'd send them back - really!

Justice and Freedom will Prevail
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