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firebirdvert305 05-02-2004 01:39 AM

i gotta ticket READ PLZ
Listen to this story. Me and a friend was out cruising on a saturday nite at around 11:30pm. It had jus got done raining and the grounds was still wet. So were cruising and cruising and along came a red light in a 3 lane road. So we line up no intentions to race then i c behind us 2 cops in the same lanes not directly behind us but behind the 2 cars in back of us...So now im def. not gonna do something stupid...So the light turns green and i bring it to 3500rpms shift it into 2nd gear and CHIRP for both of us (side by side the whole time)...cops immediatly pulls us over at the sametime and accuse us of racing. I jus got my tranny rebuilt not too long ago with a shift kit. Cop gave me a citation to appear in court with my friend in his 85Z to explain y we was "highway racing". WE DIDNT EVEN GO OVER THE SPEEDLIMIT...THE GROUND WAS WET THE CAR GOTTA SHIFT KIT AND CHIRPED this my fault??? I dont know what to do anyone else been in a situation like this? do i plead guilty or not?? Any input would help. I guess all it took was 2 f-bodies, 4 tips, 2 flowmaster mufflers and 2 lil chirps to getta damn "racing ticket":(

2.73's Suck 05-02-2004 01:45 AM

sound like you will have to go to court and explain your situation, just explain what happend and your case will probably get nolled.

Outlaw87 05-02-2004 02:41 AM

Im not a big fan of cops they must have had to fill a quota, either that or they drove mustangs and were ashamed that they couldnt even chirp.

But if I was you I would survey my options, their is always the possibility of getting it anulded, but if you had to go to court that would mean getting a Lawyer. Yeah you shouldnt have been pulled over but how much is the ticket compared to a Lawyer and how would this effect your driveing record?

easySPEEDcamaro 05-02-2004 04:18 AM

why the hell would you chirp your gears knowing there's cops behind you...

you sound like me....


i just take everything to court... still have a clean driving record... i butcher those cops on the stand lol

Gunny Highway 05-02-2004 09:15 AM

1.) You don't need a lawyer for this, well atleast not in GA you don't. In traffic court, you can talk to the judge directly and explain the situation.

Hopefully he's a car guy and will understand. Hell, that happens to me all the time when it's wet outside. Either way though, you should get out of this.

firebirdvert305 05-02-2004 09:16 AM

chirping wasnt meant intentionally it jus got done raining out heavily and the ground was wet...we was on an inclind hill and i was shifting manually which is probley my fault....but newayz i shifted at a low rpm 3500 which chirped 2nd and they put the sirens over...

AaronIROCZ 05-02-2004 11:55 AM

when its wet out my tires are quite so no chirpy for me:D

Dano 00TA 05-02-2004 03:45 PM

Originally posted by AaronIROCZ
when its wet out my tires are quite so no chirpy for me:D
That's what I was gonna say:confused: how can your tires chirp when the street's wet?

firebirdvert305 05-02-2004 05:32 PM

u guys
know wut i mean...when i say chirp i mean like a breif spin momentarily...wet ur pavement and shift at 3500 and it will make the same exact sound the cop heard jus enuff of "tire spin" i guess is better to call it...

CaysE 05-02-2004 07:20 PM

What are you shifting at 3500 for with cops around?? :goodjob: They probably pulled you because of the high revving AND the tire spin. Our cars aren't exactly quiet at that RPM.

cas0484 05-02-2004 08:12 PM

I would definitley plead my case to the judge if I were you. Unfortunatley, any tire spin at all, intentional or not could be considered reckless driving. Goodluck and I hope you get one of the understanding judges!

firebirdvert305 05-02-2004 08:25 PM

thing is
on the ticket he only listed "racing on CR. 192" says nothing about "speeding" or "wreckless driving" jus racing...but if i was racing wouldnt i be going over the speed limit???:bs:

CaysE 05-02-2004 09:51 PM

It's a BS open-ended type of complaint against you. Simply have the officer define racing in court and illustrate how you did none of the things he describes, or if you did, explain why they happened (wet roads caused tirespin).

9 times out of 10, they can't give a clear definition of "racing," and it gets thrown out. The key to a good case is being very precise. Define everything, or ask the officer to on the stand. Then clearly define what you did and what happened.

jocww 05-02-2004 11:18 PM

in ca and in almost all states racing means 2 cars or 1 car going against each other or against the time. they do not have to break the speed limit to be racing.

thecoolone 05-02-2004 11:28 PM

Originally posted by jocww
in ca and in almost all states racing means 2 cars or 1 car going against each other or against the time. they do not have to break the speed limit to be racing.
I believe you, but that is funny. I mean, isn't that the definition of driving? lol

jocww 05-03-2004 01:16 AM

yea it is driving.
but 2 things
u deserve it for driving that way in the rain
u deserve it for driving in the rain and knowingly doing it with cops around.

cas0484 05-03-2004 02:26 PM

You might wanna check your local/state laws/ Just because it doesn't say "reckless" on the ticket doesn't mean your violation was a category of it. I know here in Va there are like 20 different violations that are considered reckless driving. And racing of any kind as well as any tire spin is reckless. As far as what you did, the biggest thing I believe they will try to throw at you is that you drove in a manner that wasn't of an everday sort. Whether you had control or not, meant to spin or not, or was actually racing, they will argue that spinning tires, over-revving, and accelerating against another car in that manner is not everyday driving. The best thing for you to do is to write down every detail of that night. The weather, where and when it happened, what you were wearing, the other guy was wearing. Anything unusual about your car, the other car. I mean be specific, down to the mile marker where you got pulled over, how long before you pulled over, were light on or off? Was there light or heavy traffic? What you wanna do is ask these specific question to the officer. The officer is allowed to have his report/ticket but other than that he is alone with his memory. And chances are, if you ask very specific questions he wont be able to remember. And every time he hesitates or cant recall a fact. It put doubt on his case against you. Goodluck!

Air_Adam 05-03-2004 02:29 PM

Originally posted by jocww
yea it is driving.
but 2 things
u deserve it for driving that way in the rain
u deserve it for driving in the rain and knowingly doing it with cops around.

No he doesn't, it was completely unintentional and accidental, and he wasn't doing anything stupid when it happened.

Did you even read his posts?

AndrewJB 05-03-2004 05:38 PM

Look, theres no reason to shift out of 1st at 3500 unless youre racin someone or showing off your muffler. My car usually shifted at about 2K into 2nd if I wasnt rompin on it. If theres cops back there and its wet its kind of stupid to do that

firebirdvert305 05-03-2004 06:02 PM

air adam u might as well read wut i wrote.....Theres noway the cop can determine i was speeding racing or reckless driving. All he can say is that he saw 2 camaros with 2 v8's in both, 2 loud mufflers and 2 unintentional spins for not even 2 seconds.....I will explain all this to the judge as best as i can...i cant believe ur not allowed to cruise around town with sum friends witout a d*ckhead cop harassing u for no reason court date is set to may let u guyz know wut happens...hey air adam i wish the best for u too its jus a matter of time b4 sumthing happens to u

firebirdvert305 05-03-2004 06:03 PM

wait i can c u totalled ur car...maybe thats y ur so mad...and y would i show off to my friend who knows damn well wut i got??? Me and him are almost like brothers i have no reason to show off what so ever

Crazy Firebird Kid 05-03-2004 06:44 PM

air adam u might as well read wut i wrote.....Theres noway the cop can determine i was speeding racing or reckless driving. All he can say is that he saw 2 camaros with 2 v8's in both, 2 loud mufflers and 2 unintentional spins for not even 2 seconds.....I will explain all this to the judge as best as i can...i cant believe ur not allowed to cruise around town with sum friends witout a d*ckhead cop harassing u for no reason court date is set to may let u guyz know wut happens...hey air adam i wish the best for u too its jus a matter of time b4 sumthing happens to u
I think you mean Andrew JB in this post...... Air Adam was backing you up bro

firebirdvert305 05-03-2004 06:59 PM

my fault air adam my applogy ur def right...he knows who i meant sorry bout that man

NEOMASTERZ28 05-03-2004 07:02 PM

hey guyz im the other guy with the 85 z28

my freind firebirdvert305 has told what exactly happen, the road was still mosit but enouth to hear a chirp out of the tires, i jus got mine rebiult also, shift kit , servo and 500 boost valve, mine shifted around 3500 on a take off to acclerate to half throttle like i take off most of the time and usally get a chirp 85%, and i had no idea of the cops being behind us,

but when the cop pulled me over i told him the reason u heard chirp is beacuse the tranny is new and has a shift kit and he said my freind said the same thing and he dont belive that and 85 and 92 f-body has the same tranny, right there i knew he did not know nothing about these cars but idont know ... im kinda worried about all this

88 350 tpi formula 05-03-2004 08:25 PM

good luck! if you are under 35 you will most likely get the ticket. around here that is what happens. (I know) heck I was driving a old beat up 6000 pontiac that had no power left to spin a tire even whith the wheels turned to lock. so guess what. .... I was driving home on my lunch hour and turned down a side street (keep in mind there is a high school near by and several auto shops on the road I was on. ) I drive by a cop and then they come right after me. gave me a ticket for squeeling my tires?

so I go to court with pictures of the road and side street (no possiable way to see the main road where the cop was) (plus what I mentioned above) even explained the car was way under powered and was unable to do such a feat. the judge said that the cop was a trained officer and had no reason to lie. I had to pay the stupid ticket

I have had several ticket always when I don't do anything which is dumb because when I do stuff I never get caught (ever notice how that works)

83Firebird420 05-03-2004 08:36 PM

if it hasent rained in a while the roads get oily when it rains, less traction...u could use that to defend yourself if it didnt rain much b4 u got the ticket

junkyarddog 05-03-2004 08:54 PM

I almost want to say that you deserve what you get for using the transmission that way.

with cops behind you....especially in a thirdgen, next to another thirdgen...even worse....both modded...very bad!

in any case, when you see a have to drive like a total *****, or else they will think you are trying to show off.

to give an example:

I don't have my T/A anymore, but I have a 3000 GT I take out now and then. I see cops all the time, when some tricked out civic or something pulls up next to me at a light, I get very nervous. I know 80% of the time, these are the fools who try to race ('stangs and f-bodies too!), the cop will think I am racing too even if I am only accelerating (like you). Cops, at least the ones stuck with traffic duty...are morons.

So, I CREEP away from the light....with the shifter in DRIVE (something you should've tried?) as if the car is broken and I'm afraid it will break if I go too fast.....even the elderly couple behind me thinks I'm going too slow, but amazingly I am still going the posted speed limit......eventually after I creep up to speed. This makes it perfectly clear to the cop that I am in no way shape or form trying to race dumb as I look doing this, I am going slower than anyone else on the road. Now there is no way possible for me to be pulled over for anything...except perhaps suspiscion. I would welcome them to do so, because after the first couple of times, they would grow tired of finding nothing worng with me or the car and realize it was a waste of thier time. There would be questionable legal grounds to so in the first place. Never look at cops either, they will assume you are up to no good. When I was 16-18, all my idiot friends would turn around and look at cops, I always got pulled over....when I was by myself, I never got pulled over.

so my tip for when you see cops, drive slower than you thought you possibly could. This takes practice...but you know they can not do anything, even if you are going ten even twenty UNDER the speed limit.

In the long run, you will win because they won't get to pull you over and they will have to go after real criminals.

Now manually shifting at 3500 with a shift kit or even a stock crispy 700r4....that isn't too smart. You should've taken your foot off the gas when you shifted as well and as soon as you felt the tirespin.

The only arguement you have is that it is difficult to feel or hear the wheel spin in those cars on wet roads. If you have a LS rear, it could be especially hard to notice.

jocww 05-03-2004 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Air_Adam
No he doesn't, it was completely unintentional and accidental, and he wasn't doing anything stupid when it happened.

Did you even read his posts?

yes i read it. and yes it was intentional. he even said it himself i didnt have to shift manually. meaning he coulda left it in drive.:doh: why dont you read:rolleyes:

unknown_host 05-04-2004 12:09 AM

I find it hard to believe it was unintentional

firebirdvert305 05-04-2004 02:47 AM

if it was in overdrive or drive the car is gonna shift somewhere around 2700rpm's which on wet pavement is gonna cause the samething to happen maybe a lil less but still gonna cause it so wuts the difference??? Y do people think im tryna spin my tires KNOWINGLY cops are behind me for....i never thought people on this board was the ignorant

ChrisFormula355 05-04-2004 04:34 AM

I have now determined through careful scientific study that all cops are a-holes and they can go suck a fat one. It amazes me how much joy and anger pigs put into harrassing the public who actually pays their salaries. Have you ever noticed how mad a cop is when he pulls you over for something like drag racing or speeding?? He almost makes you feel like you killed somebody. I remember asking a cop ......."why are you so mad"??? At that phrase he clenched his fist's and came so close to punching me in the face! hahhahahah **** you pigs. bunch of power hungry *******. ok that is all I have to add (err NOT add) to this thread :P

aziroc 05-04-2004 05:04 AM

plead not guilty. depending on how big ur town/city is.. they will either reschedule ur court date, or the judge will listen to you. just tell him u had ur tranny redone, and u havea rwd vehicle and the roads were slick. im sure if the judge has any braincells in him he will put 2+2 together. but definatly plead not guilty. if u r found guilty.. fight it.

jocww 05-04-2004 06:35 PM

if u had left it in d or od it would not have spun the tires.

NEOMASTERZ28 05-04-2004 06:40 PM

you must not have a fresh trans mine was in od and chirped

jocww 05-04-2004 09:23 PM

my th350 has a man valve body and its shifts hard when i want it too i can do burnouts in 1st 2nd and 3rd. but when i dont want it to i just shift at a lower rpm thats all.

Camaro68Vette63 05-04-2004 10:45 PM

Speak with the prosecutor they are always more leneint than the judge, and if you have a decent record they always help you out. Cops aren't all *******s. There are only a select few that suck. And those are the ones that drive civics as daily drivers :D

thecoolone 05-05-2004 12:57 AM

If you had to drive a Ford every day you wouldn't be in a good mood either. :D

just kidding ford fans...

ChrisFormula355 05-05-2004 02:27 AM

Originally posted by thecoolone
If you had to drive a Ford every day you wouldn't be in a good mood either. :D

just kidding ford fans...

hahahahahahaahahhahahahah **** you :D

j/k read my sig.

unknown_host 05-05-2004 03:12 PM

Re: reguardless

Originally posted by firebirdvert305
if it was in overdrive or drive the car is gonna shift somewhere around 2700rpm's which on wet pavement is gonna cause the samething to happen maybe a lil less but still gonna cause it so wuts the difference??? Y do people think im tryna spin my tires KNOWINGLY cops are behind me for....i never thought people on this board was the ignorant
Lets put it this way. I ride in a lot of cars ranging with mild to extreme shift kits, converters, motors, etc.

A. Unless you have problems you shouldnt be breaking the tires loose on low rpm shifts even in the rain, stock converter or not.

B. Even if it did break the tires loose on a low rpm shift in the rain and you weren't in it like you said, it wouldnt have made enough noise to draw a police officers attention and wouldnt have spun long enough to even be noticable.

So this leads me to believe that you and a buddy were screwing around and got caught, big deal.

For the record, I have a mid 11 second thirdgen with a turbo 350 with a B&M stage 2 strip shift kit and 3.73's in the rear of my car and it wont break the tires loose in the rain shifting at 3500 rpm unless I am screwing around.

NEOMASTERZ28 05-05-2004 05:50 PM

well mines does , and u can call my tranny builder to make verify this

omcrider 05-05-2004 05:53 PM

Why are you coming on here to whine and act like you did nothing wrong. You saw the cops yet you still put it in first and shifted at 3500, where our cars make great torque, and spun the tires:doh: See cop drive cool. Not to say you were racing when you may not have been, but why even give them a reason to look at you. Especially since you have an aftermarket muffler which produces enough sound to draw attention, keep the RPMS low and in our low revving torque monsters low means below 2500 RPM.

NEOMASTERZ28 05-05-2004 06:04 PM

i did not see the cop my buddy did ,

CaysE 05-05-2004 06:09 PM

Personally I don't see any reason to flame these guys, it's just a lesson learned. I have to agree with some of the people here though, you should've been driving more carefully.

jocww 05-05-2004 06:24 PM

Originally posted by CaysE
Personally I don't see any reason to flame these guys, it's just a lesson learned. I have to agree with some of the people here though, you should've been driving more carefully.
i agree not flaming but just saying if ur ****ing around take your punishment like a man or woman

Inwo 05-05-2004 07:08 PM

Originally posted by jocww
i agree not flaming but just saying if ur ****ing around take your punishment like a man or woman
Sounds like flaming to me.

Either way this thread ran its course I think.

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