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devianb 12-08-2002 03:18 AM

What do you not like about your thirdgen?
A while ago I posted thread called why you like your thirdgen - this time I was wondering if you guys disliked some of the same things I did not like about thirdgens.

The thing I don't particularly like is not having a proper glove box under the passenger dash. I have other complaints, but I can't think of any at the moment.

For the most part I love my thirdgen, even though its a V6, no T-tops, nor an aero wing.

1991tealRSt-topGuy 12-08-2002 03:36 AM

i dont like:

the fact that its become a symbol of american white trash

the V6 in RS, but that problem will be cured soon:D

the sqeaks and rattles

T5 trannies are too weak

crappy headliners

after driving other high performance GM vehicles (mainly vettes, newer f-bodies) i dont like all the free play in the clutch

shifter has WAY too far of a throw

power window motor design, its a very dumb design and a PITA to replace compared to newer style GM vehicles

interior door panels are a cheap design in every sense of the word

Rage13 12-08-2002 03:39 AM

only thing i don't like are the cup holders, or the lack of them anyway.. could have made one for the driver at least, oh well.. and i love the glove box in our cars :p IMO i think it was the best ever designed

Black88GTA 12-08-2002 04:29 AM

The way the vinyl on the center console comes off the sides
Garbage headlight motor gears
Tiny stereo compartment
Crappy shifting in stock 700r4 auto trans
Cheap interior trim
Crappy Aero wing materials/construction

That's about all I can think of for now...fortunately, the things I like greatly outweigh the things I don't :D.

Rage13 12-08-2002 05:25 AM

got a few more, those heavy @ss doors, and the 85 mph speedo.. man i hate that thing....:mad:

philoldsmobile 12-08-2002 05:28 AM

Weird, i love the 85mph speedo, it makes it much eisier to read than if it were callibrated to 150

Don't like the lack of glovebox, door pockets or cup holders.

love the tiny boot as well, means i cant carry people or crap anywhere for anyone:D

EvilCartman 12-08-2002 05:52 AM

Don't like:
The 305
ditto on the white trash comment >: (
weak stock transmission (which did go bye bye)

Can't think of any more atm... it's a fun car to drive :)

91RSmaro 12-08-2002 06:48 AM

The lack of glovebox and cup holders
the rattles
this isnt the car, just because its a sports car and can't drive in the snow

can't think of anything else right now... love my car though

no_car_yet 12-08-2002 07:41 AM

LACK of engine power, 305 anyway, why can't we have 4th gen power?

fact that cyou couldn't get a 350 with 5-speed.

My power windows are slow as ****.

Cramped up engine compartment.

91TPI5.7 12-08-2002 07:51 AM

T top leaksand rattles. Carbs run lousy this time of year. lack of posi, rusts to easily, doors too heavy, pw motors suck a$$ to change. I can care less about the white trash associaton. If ppl think that then ill just spray paint a comment about them on an over-pass.

devianb 12-08-2002 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Black88GTA
The way the vinyl on the center console comes off the sides
Garbage headlight motor gears
Tiny stereo compartment
Crappy shifting in stock 700r4 auto trans
Cheap interior trim
Crappy Aero wing materials/construction

That's about all I can think of for now...fortunately, the things I like greatly outweigh the things I don't :D.

You guys certainately brought back to mind the problems I forgot about.

I hate how the sides of the center console peel away from the console greating gaps in the side the seems to trap chips and cookies. Looks horrible right now.

The headlight motors always seem to be on the fritz. Sometimes only one headlight pops up, sometimes the one head light comes on 10 seconds after I turn the lights on. When I turn the lights off I get a machine gun sound from the headlight doors closing. This problem has mysterioulsy gone away.

Cheap @SS door panels that don't flow into the dash. WTF.:mad:
If I can manage to get the door panels off - I am going to trim the entire panel with a simple vynl trim. It will look plain, but look much better than the stock door panels.

Red interior in a car that is marroon and gold with a black/orange/gold stripe to accent the rainbow color effect, not to mention the mulitiple shades of gray and black to compliment the interior in addition to the red. Seriously - who thought this color combo looked good.

Most headliners I have seen were pretty beat up, but I have to say that mine is absolutely perfect, not a single flaw in it - and that is the only thing that is in mint condition on my Firebird.

I love the fact that GM put 2.5ls 2.8ls in F - bodies for lower end models. They couldn't make the the V8 alternatives a 3.8l V6!!!! That was the smallest engine available in Monte Carlos, don't see why GM couldn't just continue to use it - I mean it was used in previous gens as the smallest engine. I garauntee that if 3.8ls were available in thirdgens, non of the owners, including myself wouldn't be complaining about how slow it is and it would actually be worth something.

I think GM needs a round of applause for their great innovations.

blue305rs 12-08-2002 08:57 AM

Originally posted by 1991tealRSt-topGuy
i dont like:
crappy headliners

I hate my headliner also. I can feel it on the top of my head when im driving. Im only 5'8" so i know my heads not hitting the roof when i sit in the seat.

brodyscamaro 12-08-2002 09:02 AM

they didnt come with SFCs even tho it was a unibody car

i hate how the previous owner wrecked my car and didnt have it repaired properly - so now i have some **** bent up under the front end and a slight hood gap:mad:

erictheviking 12-08-2002 09:06 AM

Never been a big fan of that MASSIVE rear glass.The awful brakes and the "hairy" interior.Luckily most things are easily sorted on what is otherwise a great car.It's easy to knock on about somethings playing up, but some of these cars are 20 yrs old you know.:D :D :D

devianb 12-08-2002 09:26 AM

Originally posted by erictheviking
Never been a big fan of that MASSIVE rear glass.The awful brakes and the "hairy" interior.Luckily most things are easily sorted on what is otherwise a great car.It's easy to knock on about somethings playing up, but some of these cars are 20 yrs old you know.:D :D :D
Yeah, but there are cars made 20 years earlier that have better fitting and looking parts.

philoldsmobile 12-08-2002 10:25 AM

bear in mind though, most 70 and early 80's cars had worse quality issues that F bodys, even prestige marques like Jaguar and Aston Martin had quality problems.

The Rover SD1 Vitesse and Jaguar XJ6 should have been some of the best cars in the world, but instead, they fell apart like a chinese moped!

Mark A Shields 12-08-2002 10:41 AM

My dented fender
rattles from stock suspension
interior is old and need replacing
wish it were lighter

that's all i can think of.

vrooom305 12-08-2002 10:49 AM

My firends tease me for having a white trash car eventhough I'm Filipino.

The doors are too damn heavy.

The hood is too heavy.

The car it self is too damn heavy.

The LO3 only puts out 170RWHP and it's a *** d!@n V8!

My stereo system got stolen.

The front lip keeps on scraping no matter how hard I try to avoid dips and bumps.


No cup holders.

No rear window heater.

Big turning radius.

That's all for now...

devianb 12-08-2002 11:12 AM

I also don't like the Orange interior lighting at night

The loud "clang" you hear when you close the door with the window rolled down.

Honestly, I don't know how I can accept so many defects in a car and still love it. If I had the same issues with something like a Beretta or Sunfire, I definately wouldn't put up with it.


labrat 12-08-2002 11:16 AM

Ditto on the lack of cup holders and glove box.

I'd like to add the harsh ride, every bump in the road is a pot hole.

devianb 12-08-2002 11:19 AM

I like to enjoy those 72 oz. slurpys and cupholders would have been greatly appreciated. I should have to strap my slurpy into the passenger seat everytime I want to drink something while I am driving.

FLYNLOW92rs 12-08-2002 11:25 AM

305 TBI.......need i say more...........:confused:

oh yeah ad tealtop guy hit it on the nose with the white trash comment..........very true.......

Skatepunk60 12-08-2002 11:35 AM

White trash bs
and the small friggin gas pedal , dunno why but it just annoys the hell outta me.

BikertrashDude 12-08-2002 11:37 AM

is this "your" car or just third gens in general?
well my car
dent in hood
rims (15")

thirdgens in general
no cup holder (but that makes me think twice when it comes to haveing a cup in there, so it's a good thing)
no real glove box
no rear hatch cover
that damm air dam scrapes on everything, and it just pains me even though its a $20 part.
and thats about it

AJ_92RS 12-08-2002 11:41 AM

Originally posted by labrat
Ditto on the lack of cup holders and glove box.

I'd like to add the harsh ride, every bump in the road is a pot hole.

I'll have to agree with the harsh ride.

My car rides like a brick with solid steel tires and the road being a 3/4" steel plate. And I've got new springs, tires, shocks and struts.

Plus the car is too damn heavy. My wife has a '93 Mazda MX6 that's just as long as my Camaro, has a higher roof line, and has a V6 with 160HP, and it only weighs about 2700 lbs. My car weighs almost 1000lbs. more, and has 10 more HP. :rolleyes: Thank goodness for torque.

My car also has a mysterious squeek coming from the back. I CANNOT FIND IT!!!!! Once you think you're close to finding it..... the SOB moves!!!

Once I get the 350 in there it'll be much easier to tolerate those things though. :thumbsup: It's just soo damn slow. There's no manly power to overcome the faults.... YET!!!!! ;)


1991tealRSt-topGuy 12-08-2002 11:44 AM

Originally posted by vrooom305
The LO3 only puts out 170RWHP and it's a *** d!@n V8!

correction: it puts out 170 flywheel HP

big difference

89formula#1 12-08-2002 11:49 AM

slow as heII
5-speeds are a waste of time
clutch is long as hell
clutch is hydrualic
no truck room
weak as$ rears
crappyy brakes
crappy e-brakes
no duel exhaust
headliner sucks
door panels suck
console sucks
and i hate carburation
oh yea and the wings blowww

thats why i wunna sell my car

Rage13 12-08-2002 11:52 AM

Originally posted by philoldsmobile
Weird, i love the 85mph speedo, it makes it much eisier to read than if it were callibrated to 150
but it don't help when your trying to hit 150 and the things been stuck aginst the trip tracker reset thing for the last 10 min and you have no idea what speed your going other then, fast..

bubbakutz 12-08-2002 11:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
no glove box
leaks in t top and hatch, i have yet to fix them...
interior lighting sucks, cant see ****
the lousy 305's hp
a lot of glass.....hard to clean
those big *** blind spot rear seat sailpanel
i got sick of not havin a cupholder so i made one :)

philoldsmobile 12-08-2002 12:01 PM

that's easy, just work it out from engine RPM, 35 is 1000 70 is 2000 105 (confirmed with my mates vette) is 3000 see a pattern here? so 140 will be 4000

speed is like sex, horsepower, fire, and alcahol, too much is almost enough!

devianb 12-08-2002 12:08 PM

The sail panel blind spots don't bother when unless I am at an angled interesection or I pass car the is at my rear bumper and I can't see it. I seem to have some rattling somewhere, can't find it and probably will never find it.

bubbakutz 12-08-2002 12:11 PM

Originally posted by devianb
The sail panel blind spots don't bother when unless I am at an angled interesection or I pass car the is at my rear bumper and I can't see it.
yeah that is when i dont like them

devianb 12-08-2002 12:27 PM

How about the backwards offsets of the TAs Formulas and IROCS. 0mm front, 16mm back. No car no matter what the drivetrain should have deeper front wheels than back ones. The combo should have been 16mm front and 0mm back so that it at least looks right. I'm glad my Firebird came with all 0mm offsets. I had to get 4 seperate Front GTA wheels so that the wheels looked right. GM could have at least made the rear GTA wheels have deeper lugs like the Irocs so that all the wheels look normal.

I think F-bodies are the only cars in the world with that backwards setup.

Squeeks83 12-08-2002 01:00 PM

i dont really have any complaints,

no headliner

i have cup holders

small rim size/to skinny wheels

Clank when shutting door with window down

weird sounds when going over sleep bumps and such like the huge raise to my drive way fromt he street

no SFC's

thats it really, im happy with it for the most part, just wish i had a 5sp

MdFormula350 12-08-2002 01:09 PM

i cant seem to keep my black extrior looking good all the time, daily driver..

and its hard to keep my tan interior clean, but i try to..

other than the squeaks and creaks from the body (need sfc's), i am really happy with mine.

devianb 12-08-2002 01:14 PM

I guess I can't complain too much since GM tried to make these cars affordable without sacrificing too much performance and handeling and fitment.

SpeedCat86 12-08-2002 01:29 PM

I love the fact that everyone says their car should have had subframe connectors from the factory. I think the car should have had a better unibody to begin with. The problem is that in the late '70s when the car was designed, the engineers never planned on WS6 springs and 245/50-16 tires. They designed for the skinnier tires and softer springs of the early (82) cars. They also designed a large, heavy car with two very big doors and a removable roof. They put all the sructural integrity in to the b-pillar and the t-top bar. Too bad the t-top bar is too skinny to absorb the twisting forces that make these cars rattle so much. I'd love to be able to tie the doors in to the body more securely. SFC's are good, but i'd have liked a better unibody to begin with.

Also, who was the genius who thought that 10" brakes would be sufficient on a 3600lb car? I mean, Honda Civics have more braking power.

Last but not least, the giant catalytic converter.

bubbakutz 12-08-2002 01:43 PM

Originally posted by SpeedCat86

Last but not least, the giant catalytic converter.

hah, yeah damn big hump.......makes my mat not fit right

philoldsmobile 12-08-2002 01:45 PM

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i wonderd why that lump was there!

Damn, i can be dumb sometimes.......................................

Wootah 12-08-2002 01:45 PM

Gotta hate the squeks and rattles.. doors rattle to **** cause of those darn bushings that i dont have money to replace :( Um..I cant complain about interior cause mines mint, and im getting a 4th gen console in a few weeks.. My car vibrats at 70-80 then stops for some reason, think its my rear end. Ah well, I love my car anyways

bubbakutz 12-08-2002 01:46 PM

Originally posted by philoldsmobile
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i wonderd why that lump was there!

Damn, i can be dumb sometimes.......................................

hah, thats ok.....i figured out what is was a couple months after i got my car when i looked under it :p

91Zman 12-08-2002 01:55 PM

Now that my Z is getting high on miles little things are going bad but other than that it's the headlinner,dirty carpet and torn driver's seat(the famous wear spot),and the console lid just broke.Exterior-wise:paint,needs ground efx and minor dings on front fender.Engine wise:the 150,357miles it has on it,annoyance-either an exhaust leak or a bad fuel injector.Suspension:swaybar endlinks,tie-rods.Pretty much minor stuff.As far as the white trash BS,it goes from generation to generation.Snobs,for the most part,called them that.

devianb 12-08-2002 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Wootah
Gotta hate the squeks and rattles.. doors rattle to **** cause of those darn bushings that i dont have money to replace :( Um..I cant complain about interior cause mines mint, and im getting a 4th gen console in a few weeks.. My car vibrats at 70-80 then stops for some reason, think its my rear end. Ah well, I love my car anyways

My car shakes at all speeds past 85 mph, which my speedo only goes up to. I feel like my car is going to shake apart at those speeds - I suspect I have weakened engine mounts. Why make a speedo that only goes up to 85 when the top speed limitor is set to 120-140.

smkehndas 12-08-2002 03:21 PM

the worst thing about 3rd gens is the brakes in my opinion! they suck!!! and the heavy doors that sag. no glove box is a good one to.

bubbakutz 12-08-2002 03:45 PM

one more thing...
stripped screws.....i got a lot of them

vrooom305 12-08-2002 03:56 PM

Originally posted by 1991tealRSt-topGuy
correction: it puts out 170 flywheel HP

big difference

So I'm betting the LO3 puts out 150RWHP huh

damn that sucks even more

TimRS 12-08-2002 04:38 PM

Lack of some serious go fast parts for the LO3

Too much body flex

Lack of good factory exhaust system

Weak T5 trannys

IROC57TPI 12-08-2002 05:59 PM

One thing that bothers me is the factory silkscreened symbols by all of the switches. (locks, headlights, lighter, fog lamps, etc.)They all wear down over time and theres no cheap way to fix it.

BlueByU 12-08-2002 06:02 PM

The squeaks and rattles

Cheap paint

horrible power window design

too heavy

MetalliCamaroRS 12-08-2002 06:07 PM

I hate the creaks, the squeaks, leaky t-tops, crappy headliner, crappy window motors and power locks, hatch pull down motor mount which the made of plastic :doh:

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