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Gumby 05-05-2014 09:36 PM

Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???

big sight about it, dip your car.

see these high end cars on the sight, with a if you don't like it, just peel it off dip job done to the whole thing. Some do look really nice with the soft mute colors and mixes.

But I keep reading, if you don't like it, you just peel it off.

would it not self peel with time then, if it can just peel off. Wind at speed get under it just a little and???????

Some of them cars look nice but my stuff is really driven.
outside year round, sun, rain, ice, hot, cold, salt, sand, dirt, mud

InfernalVortex 05-05-2014 10:46 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
5 Attachment(s)
Check out the plastidip thread.

Not many here are REALLY experimenting with this stuff. There are so many cool colors and options these days.

This is a good example of why dip is awesome. I bought and 82 SMC hood. Factory look plus weight savings. So I was all for it. The paint on it was in terrible shape, though. The clearcoat was toast.

Attachment 336233

So I threw black plastidip on it.

Attachment 336234

Then I decided I would plastidip myself some black headlight buckets...

Attachment 336235

Then I found out the 82 cars got single stage paint, so I peeled all of it off (dont get me wrong, it took a little while, but mainly because it was on the car for nearly 2 years and it was way too thin because I didnt realize you needed 5-7 coats for easy peeling. I ended up spraying more dip on the hood to get it off and as soon as I figured out that every layer I added made it easier to remove, I progressed pretty quickly with it) and polished up the hood. Try doing that with flat black paint. The hood would have stayed flat black forever. Thanks to plastidip, I had a second chance.

Attachment 336236

Then I got new wheels and dipped those, and dipped the inserts in the hood. Wheels are anthracite gray dip with pearlizer sprayed over them.

Attachment 336237

I love this stuff.

I also use it as easy waterproofing/undercoating on things. It doesnt come off unless you want it to.

toxik IROC 05-05-2014 10:47 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
I've had plasti dip on my jeep since the stuff first came out ( they only had black at the time ) the stuff works good and does not peel off at highway speed. It holds up well in rain,snow,Ice, mud rivers ,forests and stuff...

....But this might help ya abit....

WTR388 05-06-2014 08:15 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Considering this if I don't paint the car this summer... No idea what to do for colour.

thatoneguy5x 05-06-2014 05:17 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
i've had horrible experiences with the stuff. I did the lip, hatch deck, and Ttops on my camaro. its very easy and forgiving for the spraying and looks good for a couple weeks, then it starts fading and is a lot of up keep to keep it looking fresh. also a couple birds pooped on the Ttops and rear and it ate through it (to be fair I didn't clean it up for a couple days). maybe there are radioactive birds here in so cal but im just sharing my experience.

I know im gonna get people that say I used it wrong but I followed the instructional videos on how to use the product and put about 5-6 layers on and still had these issues. it probably holds up a lot better if you park your car in a garage but im not that fortunate, it sits in the direct sunlight and cali heat. maybe some1 else can share their experience with the product

InfernalVortex 05-06-2014 06:58 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Weird, those pictures of my car with the hood dipped, car was parked outside at my apartment in the Georgia summer/heat for over a year like that and it may have faded a little but I never noticed. my headlight buckets have been dipped for at least two years now too, no fading. This stuff is far more fade resistant than flat black paint. I find it really strange you had issues with it. I never thought it was a lot of upkeep either... in fact I'd usually just hose it off and call it good.

Zane M 05-07-2014 06:52 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
I dipped a '91 Camaro over the winter.
It will hold up fine to daily driving, wind at freeway speed is not going to peel it off.
A few high traffic areas like a long the top of the ground effect where you get out of the car have started to peel, but it will be an easy matter to touch it up.
It does hold dirt like a magnet, so you do have to be careful about how you wash it.
Dipping a whole car is not exactly cheap. Four gallons and a spray gun run about $400.00 bucks.
So while you can peel it off if you don't like it, you will flush a substantial(to me anyway) amount of money in doing that.

thatoneguy5x 05-07-2014 05:06 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???

Originally Posted by InfernalVortex (Post 5760551)
Weird, those pictures of my car with the hood dipped, car was parked outside at my apartment in the Georgia summer/heat for over a year like that and it may have faded a little but I never noticed. my headlight buckets have been dipped for at least two years now too, no fading. This stuff is far more fade resistant than flat black paint. I find it really strange you had issues with it. I never thought it was a lot of upkeep either... in fact I'd usually just hose it off and call it good.

I don't know what was up with it, my car is black so you could really tell when it was faded. just looked really dull and dusty even after a good wash. the really good thing about it is that you can just peel it off and i only spent about $20 on a couple cans. I have some other small parts on my car dipped and they have held up pretty well but they aren't facing the sun most of the day. I also live right by the beach maybe that's a factor with the salty mist, who knows.

haps 05-09-2014 08:40 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???

Goosehead 05-09-2014 01:43 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
why? the new car-wrap is so easy to apply and cheap and it looks real professional...

stop painting it like that.

InfernalVortex 05-09-2014 03:02 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
1 Attachment(s)
I think most of the guys who dislike this stuff have clearly NEVER used it. It's cheaper than wrap and it's fixable when it's damaged and allows you do DIY a lot of this stuff on your own. The sky is the limit as far as what you can do with all the things that are available today with all the additives and colors and finish variations you can achieve with it. Plus it actually protects your paint while it's on.

Attachment 461366

Gumby 05-09-2014 05:36 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Cost a bit to much if you ask me, should be half or less for something you peel off.

I can buy old school paint for $35gal, and paint my car 3 times. open any old hotrod mag and tell me old school paint looks bad.............

Rockyd 05-19-2014 11:13 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 335758

visitor 05-20-2014 01:37 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???

Problem with plasti dip is for every one job that's done well, you have 10 that look like ****. Like this..

Rockyd 05-20-2014 10:42 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Agree spray with the sprayer and mine has been dipped for about a year and a half now. No peeling and easy to keep clean. Mine is a daily driver as well

Termn8r 05-20-2014 04:50 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Last I looked into it they have a ton of colors now. Pearls, metallics, etc. I think they going statement was it cost about $400 to paint an entire car correctly with Plasti-Dip.

I thought about it for a while before I painted my car, would never do it now.

58mark 05-20-2014 05:42 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
1 Attachment(s)
Rocky's car was voted one of the Top 5 cars at last year's third Gen roundup, and came THIS close to winning again this year. that award is voted on by all third gen owners in attendance, and is the ultimate sign of Peer respect. His car is even better looking in person than in photos, and that's saying something

Attachment 335723

Outlaw28 05-25-2014 02:03 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
Ive been experimenting with with the glossifier...i found out that if you use some turtle wax polish on it then go back and wax it...smooth as glass and will not collect dust like it did fact it feels and looks more like paint...

BigKeg 05-27-2014 01:47 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
2 Attachment(s)
I played with some flexy dip made by rust-oleum today..In was in rattle cans..bought 2 cans of black...about $8. a can..I did the grill which is normally gray on my year Escalade and the Chrome on the luggage rack..I'm going to get another can and do the chrome on the running bords...This is the first time I have used's very forgiving. .I had a run on the grill ..I wiped it with a paper towel...back down the gray. .then built it back up with light's not perfect. .but it's better then looking at a gray grill on a all black truck..

cdoyle 05-27-2014 06:54 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
I did my wheels a couple years ago, been holding up pretty well so far.
I might try a different color, getting tired of black. That's what so great about this stuff, you just peel it off and try something new.

blt2njoy 05-28-2014 06:26 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
1 Attachment(s)
Just dipped this weekend. Have friends with grills/bumpers dipped and it has been holding up great. Shall see how this holds up to baking in the sun all day.

bigdavesiroc 05-28-2014 09:05 PM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
looks awesome!!! i love that blue!!!! i had some paint bubbling on my headlight pockets, so i sanded and plasti dipped them. came out good. i'll post pics tomorrow.

IMissMy86TA 05-29-2014 07:50 AM

Re: Anyone here Plasti-dip 'in ???
my wheels - with glossifier

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