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bottlefed125 03-12-2004 12:34 AM

wrecked 3rd gens
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lets see pictures of your wrecked 3rd gens....just interested to see how they crumble and find the weak points when they are in a wreck.

bottlefed125 03-12-2004 12:36 AM

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she hit a tree doing 45...the tree won, oops

bottlefed125 03-12-2004 12:38 AM

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this is the replacement car...will be posting pics soon

tpiroc 03-12-2004 01:41 AM

badandy247 03-12-2004 02:20 AM

hey bottlefed whaddya gonna be doin with the rims? ;)

mw66nova 03-12-2004 09:16 AM

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hit two brick walls.

MCas7 03-12-2004 10:09 AM

TPIroc, where did you find all those pictures? Looks like you buy 3rd gens and smash them into walls for fun :D

DURTYBIRD 03-12-2004 10:48 AM

Wrecked thirdgens make baby jesus cry. :(

86WS6_T/A 03-12-2004 12:06 PM

Guy pulled out in front of me and I t-boned him

IroczCamar0 03-12-2004 12:37 PM

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Hit a snow patch and spun around and smacked into the a tree:doh: ...dont worry its all fixed now:D

ShiftyCapone 03-12-2004 12:58 PM

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Originally posted by 87-BLACK-WS6
Wrecked thirdgens make baby jesus cry. :(
I second that.

Here is mine as she sits now. She should be getting new body panels any month now. Gaurd rail bolts can do a number.

bottlefed125 03-12-2004 01:05 PM

baby jesus is crying for that white iroc and the person who was driving it... I have a quarter panel for that car that bounced off the guard me if your interested

1bad91Z 03-12-2004 02:46 PM

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I hope this guy made it out alive!


1bad91Z 03-12-2004 02:47 PM

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ShiftyCapone 03-12-2004 02:48 PM

Originally posted by 1bad91Z
I hope this guy made it out alive!



Don't you guys get the wierdest feeling when you walk around bone yards and see horrfic wrecks and wonder what happend to the person. Chills going up spine

NEEDforSPEED 03-12-2004 02:54 PM

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1bad91Z 03-12-2004 02:56 PM

NeedforSpeed - did you really wreck it, or is that a photo-shop?

NEEDforSPEED 03-12-2004 03:00 PM

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ok its no 3rdgen, but its probably the worst Camaro wreck iv seen

tom3 03-12-2004 03:04 PM

Two days before a couple drunked 6x8 sign posts jumped out in front of me. Nobody hurt but not much left of car, no "after" pictures. Darn nice IROC too.

MrDude_1 03-12-2004 03:06 PM

Originally posted by ShiftyCapone

Don't you guys get the wierdest feeling when you walk around bone yards and see horrfic wrecks and wonder what happend to the person. Chills going up spine

its wierd for me..... from the time i was 15(16 offically) until i was almost 19, i worked in the volenteer fire dpt... i end up looking at stuff and think more indepth... like how did they cut that out, or hey they pushed here and cut, ect.....

also, one time, i found part of a finger. :eek:

tom3 03-12-2004 03:10 PM

Bought a set of really nice bucket seats out of a 69 Chevelle years ago, covered in brown dirt. When I washed them the dirt turned red. That puts chills down your spine for sure.

therckid 03-12-2004 03:10 PM

Originally posted by NEEDforSPEED
ok its no 3rdgen, but its probably the worst Camaro wreck iv seen

OMFG, looks like a dinosoar ate that car.....

RMK 03-12-2004 06:40 PM

Originally posted by MrDude_1

also, one time, i found part of a finger. :eek:

What did you do with it? You could probably get money from that on ebay. Some nutter out there would buy something like that.

Stevo 03-12-2004 06:45 PM

Originally posted by NEEDforSPEED
ok its no 3rdgen, but its probably the worst Camaro wreck iv seen
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

JBert 03-12-2004 08:24 PM

Originally posted by ShiftyCapone
I second that.

Here is mine as she sits now. She should be getting new body panels any month now. Gaurd rail bolts can do a number.

what wheels are those?

therckid 03-12-2004 08:25 PM

ROH Snypers

PyRo9862 03-12-2004 08:44 PM

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See the rounded area above the driver side tire, thats where the poll stopped.

And hows that for a wing back there? :)

therckid 03-12-2004 08:46 PM

i cant even tell what it was, a camaro or bird? What was it? Was it even a thirdgen?


deadbird 03-12-2004 09:17 PM

Less that a year of ownership (quite a few years back) after the standard E'ville driver ran a red light and I t-boned her (Eclipse) at 30mph...

PyRo9862 03-12-2004 09:23 PM

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That was my first 91 RS.
90mph or so into a poll. But because I hit it on the edge the car whiped around and passenger rear hit a tree. Thats what saved my butt, the car didn't stop on the initial impact, alot of the force was transfered to the spinning, and absorbed in the 2nd impact rather than it all being in the first. I think the fact that the poll didn't hit the engine helped alot in absorbing the impact too. The spin also sent my floorjack I had sitting on the hump flying 15ft through the side of the hatch instead of directly at my head, I watch what I keep back there now. Held up pretty damn well, only injury I had was a very small cut on my finger from climbing out the broken window, I also learned not to keep my maglite between the seat and console, got a bruise on my ankle when that flew foward. I'm still trying to figure out how my feet wern't crushed, when I went to pull the remote start I discovered the floorpan was bent up, and you couldn't even see the pedals.
I disapointed a few cops, one of them almost kicked me out of the scene, I heard another asking where the body was, I informed him I was the body :)
Then the moron cops tell me I need to sit down, so I go to sit down, walk a bit away from the car, and get yelled at for some reason they want me to sit right next to it in the mess of broken glass, that took a great deal of bitching before he figured out why I didn't want to sit there.

therckid 03-12-2004 09:24 PM

only defining trait left to tlel what ti was from tjhe photos are the rims. Everything else says damn did he die.

ShiftyCapone 03-12-2004 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Red91CamaroRS
what wheels are those?
ROH snypers. 17x9.

bottlefed125 03-12-2004 11:14 PM

how about the speeds these cars were going when they wrecked? and tell me the real speed...not the speed you told the cop because everyone was doing the speed limit when they wrecked :D

ShiftyCapone 03-12-2004 11:52 PM

Originally posted by bottlefed125
how about the speeds these cars were going when they wrecked? and tell me the real speed...not the speed you told the cop because everyone was doing the speed limit when they wrecked :D
I was doing 25-30 mph and slid on a banked 90* on ramp in the rain. I was way under the limit (40mph) and did not get ticketed. The cops all loved my car:doh:

aaron7 03-13-2004 08:47 AM

I think these cars hold up great in accidents... well, not the car itself, but the passenger compartment almost always seems OK.

I was stopped for a school bus letting kindergarden kids off in my 84 Z28 (on the way to the body shop for a paint estimate, just finished my interior conversion and my motor/tranny/rear swap) when a girl in a Corsica hit me doing 45. She never touched the brakes... or they didn't work.

I ended up getting more than the book value for the car because I showed the adjuster all my receipts and told him I was restoring it. He felt bad and got me a bunch more than book. I think it booked at $1200, but I ended up getting $2000. I kept the car and sold it for $1400 (I had $4000 in receipts from just that year!!)

It might not look too bad, but the doors/hatch/hood wouldn't shut right, the rear end was crooked (the tires rubbed the insides), and the T-tops then leaked. It hurt, but I didn't have the $ to have it fixed.

therckid 03-13-2004 11:39 AM

uhhh..... not ot seam mean but wheres the damage? if she hit you doing 45 it must have been more damage then that quarter panel.

update: nevermind just saw the toher text.......


Aviator857 03-13-2004 11:56 AM

I ended up getting more than the book value for the car because I showed the adjuster all my receipts and told him I was restoring it. He felt bad and got me a bunch more than book. I think it booked at $1200, but I ended up getting $2000. I kept the car and sold it for $1400 (I had $4000 in receipts from just that year!!)
ummm is it just me or did you lose 600 in that deal. I would of pushed for more, not to mention the labor you had in the car.

Dante93GTZ 03-13-2004 12:14 PM

Its a photoshop from the movie Black Dog. The wierd thing was, I bought that movie the day before I saw that pic...

NEEDforSPEED 03-13-2004 01:39 PM

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Originally posted by Dante93GTZ
Its a photoshop from the movie Black Dog. The wierd thing was, I bought that movie the day before I saw that pic...

You Got it, :nod: Do you know how many ppl PM about that?
omg, thats why i dont have it as a sig pic now ..hahahahaha

heres the story behind this car.... my dad called me and told me he drove by a Camaro that went under a semi "its blue just like yours" im like wicked ... so later that night they had it on the news... saying that if the seat bolts didn't break the guy could have been decapitated... well the funny part of this story is...
my friend bought it... and i didnt know... went to his house... there it was... :eek:

Ward 03-13-2004 04:31 PM

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Not mine, but still messed up pretty bad

Ward 03-13-2004 04:34 PM


Ward 03-13-2004 04:34 PM

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RicksRedNomad 03-13-2004 07:43 PM

I bought this one for the running gear for another project...........

novadk13 03-13-2004 08:29 PM

Originally posted by NEEDforSPEED
ok its no 3rdgen, but its probably the worst Camaro wreck iv seen

Stevo 03-13-2004 09:02 PM

yup ive seen that one before

also guys if you go to to wrected irocs they have alot there some of you posted those

NEEDforSPEED 03-13-2004 09:10 PM

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Ok you win, lets try funny this time...
oh i win :lol:

novadk13 03-13-2004 09:30 PM

Originally posted by NEEDforSPEED
Ok you win, lets try funny this time...
oh i win :lol:

I have that pic but couldent find it :(

aaron7 03-14-2004 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Aviator857
ummm is it just me or did you lose 600 in that deal. I would of pushed for more, not to mention the labor you had in the car.

Yes, I did loose some cash. And an unpriceable amount of labour... not to mention a part of me!

But, I had to push for what I got. And it isn't easy to sell a 3rd gen with 300k body miles that needs a new body! lol

I could have parted it out and made a lot... but I couldn't do that mentally. I had to just get rid of it; as I knew it would just rot in the driveway!

MdFormula350 03-14-2004 02:46 PM

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first car :(

4mul8r 03-15-2004 01:41 PM

It does seem like thirdgens keep the important cargo safe in these wrecks. This makes me feel alot better/safer.

Here's my 88 GTA parts car 82k miles....owner wouldn't give me any speed, but said he wasn't going very fast and a deer came out in the road, so instead of hitting it, he decided to hit a tree. Frame and floor boards are twisted.

Here's my friend's 88 Formula 5 speed a week after buying new rims/tires. He was running from the cops doing around 105 and slammed into the back of a moving Caddy. 105 taking into account his brake marks, I'd say he impacted around 80mph.

Here's my old 89 Formula. Hit a deer traveling at around 65-70, but at around 50mph actual impact speed. Not too bad really....didn't even crack the windsheild.

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