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nsimmons 05-19-2004 01:11 AM

Whats this fuzzy thing?
I just bought an 85 iroc that had been sitting for a few years.
I was tearing out bad wiring tonight and i found this really thick stiff gauge coming out of the rear speaker compartment. I couldnt figure out why it was running into this fuzzy thing shoved in the panel. Then i realized it was a tail.


dead rotten rat stuck in the car, and 50 lbs of rat crap and maggot shells buried in with insulation.

I just finished sucking it all out, tearing all the interior out and spraying everything with bleach. Im going to be sick..

BigC 05-19-2004 01:52 AM

It sucks, i've been there. i was helping a friend with some interior work on his new toy a 76' Stingray Vett and we found 3 fuzzy gifts!! Car had been stored for 6years befor he got it

AlbertaFbody 05-19-2004 02:00 AM

ahh dude that is sick how the hell did the thing get in man soem pics wouldhave been hilarious tho of just the tail

nsimmons 05-19-2004 12:56 PM

correction 2 rats, i found one in the head liner this morning.

I tore everything out of the interior and scrubbed everything with bleach.

Im not even going to try to clean the head liner, there more crap in it than under the carpet

3gc 05-19-2004 01:09 PM

Oh man that's horrible. I would take the dash completely apart too if i was you.

Krazzycowgirl 05-19-2004 03:28 PM

The smell takes a couple months to go away. I know Last winter my husband changed out his door speakers in his 4th gen & we had a live one & it still smells everyonce in awhile.

AmorgetRS 05-19-2004 04:55 PM

Yuck, strip the entire entire and POWER WASH the crap outta it w/ desinfectant.

labrat 05-19-2004 05:28 PM

Gross, Hope they, There is alway's more than one, did not do too much damage to the car.

I should add that I used to work in a lab at a rat poison factory, killing rats, which is how I got the nickname: labrat

GTA4ME 05-19-2004 08:20 PM

Yeah it sucks, when I got my car it had a rats nest in the engine bay and the rats did a pretty good job of chewing up EVERY wire they could find.:doh: That sucked!!!:(

ES87iroc 05-19-2004 08:43 PM

Ack! Sorry to hear, sounds NASTY.

LUVmy92 05-20-2004 07:43 PM

I tore apart my interior running stereo wiring and stuff and found about 5 or 6 six dead baby mice and the mother! Hopefully the ones that lived are outta there cause they were eating my seat from the bottom!

nsimmons 05-20-2004 11:36 PM

i just found the rat on my kitchen floor, apparently my cat found it in the garbage can and thought i'd like it. He was most proud.

Charlie's87 05-21-2004 03:40 AM

This is a kinda funny subject...... I was on my way to work last week cruising down the highway at 5:30 am when I noticed some movement in the passenger seat beside me. I glanced down to see a mouse running around in the seat! Scared the bejezus out of me, lol! He jumped down in the floorboards and was running around, tried to get in the kick panel speaker, then he ran into the front of the console.... I'm jumping around in the seat trying to move my legs and arms as far to the left as possible so's he doesn't run up my pants leg or sleeve... all this at 65 mph and trying to stay on the road as well. Talk about adrenalin rush, haha! I eventually got to a 7-11 and pulled in, opened both doors and pulled out my standard issue hood/rear hatch prop stick from behind the seat and started smacking the seats, console etc with it. No mouse. So I went to work, at lunch I went to the store and picked up a 9v ultrasonic pest eliminator and stuck it in the car with both doors open the rest of the day. Haven't seen him since, Lol!

I'm just thankful my wife wasn't driving the 'roc that day, she would have put it in the ditch for sure. I just can't even think about having to replace my beloved Camar.....err....WIFE! :p

Paipe90GTA 05-21-2004 12:16 PM

I eventually got to a 7-11 and pulled in, opened both doors and pulled out my standard issue hood/rear hatch prop stick from behind the seat
:lol: Its funny cause its so true

Nice to know that the stick is so versitle

67 Camaro 88 05-21-2004 01:40 PM


:o :eek: :D

Mark305TBI 05-21-2004 01:45 PM

Originally posted by 67 Camaro 88
That's a new abreviation for for me.

sqzbox 05-21-2004 02:05 PM

Maybe someone told the previous owner it would go faster if he put a big "rat" in it!:lol:

67 Camaro 88 05-21-2004 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Mark305TBI
That's a new abreviation for for me.

This thread is worthless without pics.


sqzbox 05-21-2004 07:58 PM

OWASTKTH (oh, we're all supposed to know that huh?)

Hollis 05-21-2004 09:07 PM

Today while I was working on the camaro, I noticed that I was missing a bolt. :doh: So I went to look under the hood on my 92 eclipse gsx to see if there were any bolts that I could use that were the same size. Im looking around for a minute and look up and theres two snakes sitting on the intake manafold, and one of them tries to strike me so I sprayed him with carb cleaner.:D

67 Camaro 88 05-21-2004 09:28 PM

Originally posted by sqzbox
OWASTKTH (oh, we're all supposed to know that huh?)

Guess it's a Lounge thing...everyone knows there.


86IROCKET-Z 05-21-2004 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Hollis
Today while I was working on the camaro, I noticed that I was missing a bolt. :doh: So I went to look under the hood on my 92 eclipse gsx to see if there were any bolts that I could use that were the same size. Im looking around for a minute and look up and theres two snakes sitting on the intake manafold, and one of them tries to strike me so I sprayed him with carb cleaner.:D

Speaking of snakes.. I was sanding the underneath of my hood a couple weeks ago, and i just happened to look inside of one of the corner openings, and i thought there was a pine cone in there (how the hell did a pine cone get in there?)
So I proceed to get my needlenose pliers out, and tried to get it out.. I kept pulling, and started to notice that is was not a pine cone - it was a spine!! Kept pulling on it until I pull out a snake.. Have no idea what kind it was.. Must have crawled up in the hood and gotten too big to get out.

I could just imagine working on my car, and getting bitten by a snake that was living in my hood.. :help:

FAST RS 05-22-2004 08:14 PM

I had a rat chew my fan wire causing me to overheat in the middle of summer when it was 110 outside. I hope te damn thing got electricuted.

Paipe90GTA 05-22-2004 08:51 PM

while painting the car we took the hatch off and the next day all we did was remove lizards.

Needles to say the hatch went back on :p

nick418 05-31-2004 08:09 PM

My Camaro sits around in the garage all the time ( has 14k original miles) anyways one day i ripp the car cover off, open the hood up and way cleanin out my engine. My engine is a L98 and when i was lookin through the intake runners and were the injectors, and then i saw a dead mouse in his little nest lookin rite striat at me, man i freaked out... A long time ago he must of been fried when the engine was runnin:D Now my dads 86 Vette has 10000 of mice living in it :mad: Theyve must of been livin there durin all winter....... DAMN RODANTS....... however u spell it

JestahX 06-01-2004 05:12 PM

Thats why i made my garage mouse proof. Got some "weather strips" at lowes for 10$ a peice and mounted them so the mice couldn't squeeze between the garage door cracks. Used some of that foam filler stuff in all the other cracks....needless to say you can't hear any wind, no rain gets in, no water gets out *Some times bad*and i havn't seen any more damn mice.

I went to pick up the car cover one day and a mouse the size of a coke bottle dropped to the floor and ran around me like it was going to fight me, i stomped that little **** flat....the wife found it smushed in the garbage can and freaked out.

=why the garage is mouse proof now.

Krazzycowgirl 06-01-2004 07:30 PM

Ok heres another one (never had a mouse in any of my 3rd gens so I am lucky)My husband was getting ready to sell his 73 Type LT So we went out & tried to get it started. Got it started then it sounded like something was Gloging up the pipes. He pulls it out & Then steps on the brakes & then Floors the gas (revs it really high) I hear this Froooooooooommmmmmmm bang behind the car & against the wall. I Go WTF???? & went back there & started laughing. There was a Mouse nest in the tail pipes.

Red Berlinetta 06-02-2004 12:57 AM

I bought a '67 Grand Prix convert from a buddy that had it stored in his shed for a couple of years. While driving home, I had to pull over to fix a broken gas tank strap. The smell from the tailpipe was terrible! Burnt mice! After tearing the car apart, I found them everywhere; console, under seats, fenders, dash. AAAGGGHHHHH

ThirdGenFire 06-02-2004 01:52 AM

Damn, I don't know where you people live, I don't have mice problems, however down in my little edge of texas, I have serious problems with spiders, particularily black widows. Black Widows (if you didn't know) are among the deadliest spiders on the planet, and call the US home (especially desert climate it seems. If I leave my car sitting for more than a day or 2 at a time, I can expect to see atleast 2 or 3 living under my hood. Understand that I keep my engine compartment VERY clean, yet still the love to call it home. Worst I have found was a few egg sacks under my dash. Needless to say, that would have sucked some major *** to be bitten by a black widow while driving.

EvilCartman 06-02-2004 05:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
There's quite a few black widows in this area too. You know when you're near one cause their web is stronger than any other spiders around here. Friend of mine was cleaning up his 5th wheel camper and this beauty was where the propane bottles were. Sprayed it with carb clean and killed it :D That's why it's funky looking. I had one living somewhere on my car too, driver side rear spring would always be covered in a BW web.

Krazzycowgirl 06-02-2004 01:47 PM

Originally posted by ThirdGenFire
Damn, I don't know where you people live, I don't have mice problems, however down in my little edge of texas, I have serious problems with spiders, particularily black widows. Black Widows (if you didn't know) are among the deadliest spiders on the planet, and call the US home (especially desert climate it seems. If I leave my car sitting for more than a day or 2 at a time, I can expect to see atleast 2 or 3 living under my hood. Understand that I keep my engine compartment VERY clean, yet still the love to call it home. Worst I have found was a few egg sacks under my dash. Needless to say, that would have sucked some major *** to be bitten by a black widow while driving.
I live out in Washington state out in the country Mice are a big problem out here. Also we are starting to see bigger spiders out here as well. Killed one the other day that was the size of a rad cap.

Wi$h 06-22-2004 07:43 PM

wow, i really don't have mice around here, but one day me and one of my ex girlfriends went to the park just to sit outside. well since i was only a few yards away from my car and i could still keep an eye on it I left the windows down. well, we were there for about an hour and as we were walking back to the car i heard something that sounded like a duck or goose coming from the car. well i open my door and sure enough, theres a goose sitting in the drivers seat, and as soon as it saw me it panicked and started flappin around the car. so i picked the thing up while tryin not to let it bite me and threw it out and chased it away. it scared the crap out of my ex but i was just pissed that it had the nerve to get in my car.

hellraiser319 06-24-2004 12:04 AM

ok this was when my dad was still drivin my other camaro:

on day he was drivin down the road and a lil mouse popped out the defroster vent and looked at him and around to c what was goin on and hid again. cupple weeks later we were investigating why the HVAC blower wasnt blowin rite and we took it out and the whole entire fan cage thing was one big nest and all the ducts were an elaborate mouse nest. i think it took him 3 hours to clean it all out.

also our 99 e-150 had some mice too, they were in the airbag system, vents and anywhere and everywhere, i think that took 2 hours to clean.....

o cant forget my old firebird that suffored skin cancer :( since she's sittin shes been one big rat nest, the interior, engine, intake manifold (carb is on that camaro up there /\ ) everything taken over by them

moral of the story: all rodents (except the cute lil bunnys (yeah i said cute)) suck and dont deserve to attack our cars.

OutLaw305 06-24-2004 12:31 AM

i have to disagree with the idea of bunnies being any better than rats, They are probably the SINGLE most worthless pet to ever have. Yes so they look "cute" , but otherwise they do nothing but eat and sh*t. If you get two of the opposite sex around eachother, all they do is hump and make thousands more babies to eat the food you buy and make more crap for them to dwell upon. They always omit some foul smell form their cages and you cant even pet them or anything because they just try to bite you...if you ask me, bunnies are jerks

( wow i feel a lot better for some reason ):lala:

O, and i dont know about the rest of you, but if i saw a black widow in my interior, i would most def think about a complete strip down before i got back in that car. Not much creeps me out, but nasty mean spiders give me the heeby-jeebies

hellraiser319 06-24-2004 01:28 AM

good point outlaw... only thing they good for is they cant squeeze in the lil spots on our cars. as for rats and mice and snakes and what have you, the trusty metal prop rod is always a good multipurpose tool to have. good for propin up hood, trunk, seat when that thing goes bad for reclining, and beatin the living pi$$ out of invaders :D

Diabolical 06-24-2004 12:39 PM

why my trans am was sitting with no carb on it, some mice decided to nest in the intake manifold. good thing we had stuff some rags in the holes, we were able to pull them out and get all of the crap they put there. then we had some major issues with my wiring harness. a lot of connectors were burned out. so i got a spare harness, we went through it and clipped off all of the connectors i needed. just so we knew which connector went where, we taped it to the original connector until we were ready to solder them on. while it was sitting in my basement, some bastard mouse decided to chew a few connectors. and you guessed it, they left the melted ones alone, they chewed the ones we were getting ready to solder on. i'm suprised they did not get inside the trans am, as it was outside with nothing covering the shifter hole.

ksrammstein 06-24-2004 01:45 PM

My car sat for 6 years, but I have been lucky so far with no surprises.

did you guys ever see that myth busters where they tried to sell that old vette that had a dead pig in that was revolting.

Krazzycowgirl 06-24-2004 03:04 PM

Originally posted by ksrammstein

did you guys ever see that myth busters where they tried to sell that old vette that had a dead pig in that was revolting.

YES that was sick

aerosmithr0cker 06-24-2004 06:23 PM

well one day my dad and I were out in our Shops sidelot where we keep all the cars we part out or are goign to rebuild and well we were moving the 65 chevelle and was about to jump it when we opened the hood and there on the air cleaner was a big black snake. Non poisonous but when you arent expecting it it freaks you out. So we shooed it off, later it got back up there so needless to say the snake is now headless in a landfill somewhere.

thecoolone 06-25-2004 06:26 AM

I remember hearing that 1 out of 4 homes has a black widow. This includes us north easterners. I sorta find that hard to believe.
Anyways, I have noticed on 3 of my cars, that wasps are starting to build their nests inbetween the door and where the quarter panel begins. :confused: No idea how they even get there.
In my one car, there was a half built birds nest next to the battery. How in the hell do these things get to these places? The wasp thing baffles me to this day.

flyitlikustolit 06-25-2004 11:44 AM

i'll tell you how the wasps and birds get in..... they fly underneath and enter through the botttom of the engine compartment. i imagine that's how other critters get in too. I haven't had any vermin, (thank G0D), but i have had spiders everywhere. especially in the springs. as much as i crank the car to tune it, you'd think they'd all be dead. nope. they keep comin back. luckily none go in the interior.

Wi$h 06-25-2004 01:08 PM

i've heard that about the black widow, but i've yet to see a black widow around here, what we have to worry about is another one of the most dangerous spiders, the Brown Recluse. My little brother got bitten by one last year and nearly died, when we took him to the hospital they told us if we had brought him in just a few hours later, he prolly would have. thats why i hate spiders.

AlbertaFbody 06-25-2004 03:21 PM

yeah those brown recluse just showed up around last year they are crazy they can cause flesh eating disease like no other i remember seeing pics of some guys had after it got bit and it was disgusting

blkpython 06-25-2004 09:48 PM

i got you all son and i went to the pet store to buy some food for my 2 ball pythons...mice obviously...well its a good 30 mins from my pet store to my casa. cruisin down i-35 (kc KS) in the middle of rush hour they decided to chew thier way through the box and what do ya know i have 6 lil white mice runnin around everywhere in my car. my son 2 loved it i on the other hand couldnt get over or stop to catch them...very upset...when i got home i caught 4 out of the 6 and had the other 2 runnin around in there for about 3 or 4 days untill i finally caught them...thank goodness they didn't chomp any wires and have since then gutted my car to make sure....for now on people point and laugh cuz i have my pet store box hangin out the window drivin down the road lol

camaroguy21 06-25-2004 11:39 PM

Man those are some crazy stories! :eek:
No rats or mice to worry about here, but when I pulled my carpet about two months back I found over two bucks in change, 2 dead frogs, 1 dead lizard, melted crayons, drawings, and 1 old blunt.

P.S. On a seperate note, I will post pictures within the next couple of days of my freshly painted 92Z. :D

hellraiser319 06-26-2004 01:56 AM

o yeah wasps last year they built a nest in my drv side mirror, but it wasnt one of those lil ones. they somehow filled the whole dang thing with nest. my friend came over with some bottle rockets so we shoved a few in there and set them off. after a few pops and a cupple half fried wasps came out they never went in there again.

NastyL98_T/A 06-27-2004 05:34 PM

Originally posted by EvilCartman
There's quite a few black widows in this area too. You know when you're near one cause their web is stronger than any other spiders around here. Friend of mine was cleaning up his 5th wheel camper and this beauty was where the propane bottles were. Sprayed it with carb clean and killed it :D That's why it's funky looking. I had one living somewhere on my car too, driver side rear spring would always be covered in a BW web.
What did you use to take that pic?

aaron7 09-16-2004 08:42 AM

Yikes! I guess I've had it easy!

Once I was at the parts yard and I needed a headliner, even if it needed to be recovered! Well, I pulled it down, and it was a huge network of mice nests!

I came out of my house once this spring I saw a chipmunk on my hood (not uncommon in New England!)... but then I saw him run under my hood! My car had been sitting for the whole winter. So I opened the hood and saw some acorns under the TPI plenum. Let's just say I ended up pulling the whole intake setup off. Luckily, chipmunks don't chew wires!!!!!

I think what's worse is finding a massive nest, but no mice...

WILL85IROC 09-16-2004 10:08 AM


WILL85IROC 09-16-2004 10:10 AM


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