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88IROCARMY 05-13-2003 12:01 PM

Hello from IRAQ
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Hello everyone,
Texas memb er just saying hello from Tikrit, Iraq.
All is going well.
Pic of a Iraqi MIG-29 meeting a 2000 pound bomb.

19WS6T/A91 05-13-2003 01:43 PM

now thats what i call a dedicated third genner. he is in iraq advertising so how are things over in iraq? i have a friend that is in baghdad right now, he is supposed to be coming home very soon though.

Fire"Dutch"Bird 05-13-2003 02:06 PM

Any American cars in Saddams fleet??

88Spinner 05-13-2003 09:11 PM

nice pic

tamatt27 05-13-2003 09:52 PM

Bad *** pic. We're all with ya man!

Ragin'87 05-13-2003 10:12 PM

well lemme be the first to give ya a big HOOAH!

KenV 05-13-2003 11:13 PM

Saved that one to the HD...
Great pic, nice plug for 3G, "Digital Home Away From Home" to so many :D

Stay safe, and from a former Sailor to a current Soldier, thanks.



jcjohnston78 05-14-2003 03:57 PM

that is a great plug for TGO. ill have to save that pic.

mattRS 05-14-2003 09:10 PM

just wanted to say thank you bro. we're all with you in one way or another.

88IROCARMY 05-15-2003 09:32 AM

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Here is another I will keep them coming.

half of the fleet here is Caprices and Suburban, so much for anti-american

jcjohnston78 05-15-2003 09:05 PM

you should send 'em to the admin, maybe he post them on the front page or something:D

Ragin'87 05-15-2003 10:54 PM

So now I'm guessing you're based at Ft. Hood, are you 1st Cav or 4th Infantry? Headed for Benning myself 05 Aug. Keep the pics comin man :D

Slow91bird 05-16-2003 12:10 AM


88IROCARMY 05-16-2003 08:39 AM

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Feel free to forward them to the admin for me access is limited

CamaroBob 05-18-2003 04:35 PM

now that is some cool **** right there. yeah i did a project for autotech where i had to do something that involved cars and the war in iraq. so i did how to make an anti-saddam Camaro. i made it have 2 gatlin guns on top and an offroad suspension. i thought it was pretty sweet, thinking about a rocket launcher, but didnt have enough time to do research. i wish i could have built the car, but alas no money and couldnt drive around a camaro with gatlin guns on top. but i thought it would be cool to go out and shoot up iraquis at 100+ mph on the ground in a camaro.

eh im wierd, but hey i was bored and it got me an A.

88IROCARMY 05-19-2003 07:46 AM

Help the soldiers
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This is a call for your support for those soldiers serving in Iraq.
I'm asking for those who can, to send a care package to Iraq.
I will reward the first 5-7 package senders with an Iraqi license plate or Iraqi money with Saddam on it.
I will be the POC. Soldiers are in need of some comfort items that are not currently accessible.
Looking for:
Car Magazines (new & old)
shaving cream
kool-aid (with sugar added)
AA batteries
and anything that you think will make our life better
Please no animals, drugs, or porn.
Please spread the word.
You will have to fill out a Customs form at the Post Office.
SFC Rich Sahli
Unit# 92663
APO AE 09323-2613


Ragin'87 05-19-2003 06:33 PM

I'll see if I can't get some of my fellow DEP guys to pitch in, I'll head by the recruiter tomorrow and see what we can throw together.


3rdgengal 05-20-2003 09:47 AM

You'll be getting a nice care package from my very friendly Government professor from Tomball College :)

88IROCARMY 05-20-2003 09:58 AM

Thanks for the support.
Keep it coming.

Ragin'87 05-20-2003 03:15 PM

I sent off a small one today with a few magazines (no porn.. seeing as that'd be MY @$$ too), a few envelopes, and some writing utencils.. I will muster more by weeks end, I'm sure I can get the rest of the DEP guys to pitch in for a *real* care package, if not they'll feel it next time we run :D


88IROCARMY 05-21-2003 01:08 PM

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Thanks again
Maybe the toy in the photo will motivate them

Ragin'87 05-21-2003 03:26 PM

:eek: :cool: :D :D :D :cool: :eek:

Dirty Rob 05-21-2003 03:38 PM

Those are some sweet pics dude. Id take some down here, but i think the SP's would shoot me. :D

88IROCARMY 06-03-2003 11:06 PM

I have recieved two packages from members. The soldiers used everything that was sent. I want to thank all the people that send items. Please tell your friends, your support will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm mailing something out to those that send items.
Thank You

88IROCARMY 06-06-2003 11:29 PM

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Well things are heating up here in Iraq. I'm attaching a photo of someone I met.
Can you figure out who he is?
He once said:
"There are two things that come from Texas......................."

KenV 06-06-2003 11:43 PM

Maybe it's just late here, but
I can swear I saw him get plugged with a rifle round in the movie FMJ...after delivering some of the best one-liners in movie history...

Where in the heck did you meet HIM?

Take care out there. We're praying for you every day here at home.



91DropTopTA 06-08-2003 02:07 PM

I wish I had caught this thread earlier. I will try to get a package out asap with some things in it. I spent some time in Bosnia myself a few years ago. I know how it is to be in the middle of no where, the little things can be very hard to get. I'll try to get in touch with my ROTC instructor to see what I can organize with them, but there may be no one around with it being summer time. I'll get krackin on some things to send with or without them.

Did you get R Lee Ermey's autograph man? He has become a military icon and even has his own show now. Get Some. Keep up the good work.

88IROCARMY 06-08-2003 10:46 PM

Thanks for the support
I did not get his signature, but we talked for 5 minutes

jcjohnston78 06-08-2003 11:37 PM

im gonna try to send something if i can get the chance next friday! keep up the good work and stay safe!

Ragin'87 06-09-2003 07:51 AM

I can understand no one being around for the summer bit. There were 32 people in the DEP with me in May, and more than half have shipped now.. I'm just sitting here waiting for Aug 5 to roll around. I'll try to get another package together to send to you guys, hopefully something a little bigger than I could muster last time. Don't worry about sending me anything back, ya'll being there is enough, just send me some stuff if I ever end up at the pointy end of the stick. HOOAH.


88IROCARMY 06-09-2003 08:33 AM

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Sounds great, I already send you something Ragin 87.
Picture of me in front of Saddam's Tikrit Palace.
We remodeled with a couple 2000 pounders.

Ragin'87 06-09-2003 06:02 PM

man great pics! ya didn't have to send anything, but hey I guess neither did I. I'll be at Benning in 2 months, so hopefully whatever you sent don't take that long to get here :D

88IROCARMY 06-09-2003 11:11 PM

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Here is a photo of an Iraqi Ground Attack Aircraft.
Right after it attacked the ground, (single use only)

Ragtop89 06-24-2003 01:33 PM

Those are some badass pics dude!

Be safe over there!

88IROCARMY 07-01-2003 11:23 AM

Iraqi Baseball
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Hello Everyone
Still here, no return date. I cry at night thinking about my cars (almost ). I know that my wife starts them up, checks valve lash, clutch play and ignition timing. Right honey?
I would like to hear from the members about what I'm missing this summer at the car scene.
I have attached some photos of a little baseball fun, and they said war was all bad.

88IROCARMY 07-01-2003 11:32 AM

more baseball fun
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The Texas Rangers donated the equipment for the troops to play a game. We had some fun.

Target 300 meters!!!

Bat on the way!!!

Cruzin Kaz 07-01-2003 11:35 AM

Those are some amazing and hilarious photos! Our prayers are with you all out there, come home safe! Good luck and take care!

1bad91Z 07-01-2003 11:36 AM

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Hello fellow TX thirdgenner! How are things over there? Have you guys actually found any WMD ? Are the Iraqi's still acting up? Are you's guys coming home anytime in the near future? Cool pics by the way! It's seems like you guys are still in good spirits.

We have car shows every Saturday night here in the Houston area. You'll have to make one of them when you get back to the US. Good luck and *** Bless!

Mike (1bad91Z)

Here's a pic of mine:

Larry Dunlap 07-09-2003 09:54 PM

be careful
In light of the news in recent days I just want to say, please be careful and take care so you can get back to the states and go cruising on Saturday night in your thirdgen. I travel a lot myself on business in some nasty places (not as bad as where you are at for sure) and I know I appreciate what I have here so much when I get back, jump in the firebird, open the windows, jam the accelerator and hear that great sound and feel the rush of adrenaline. Makes it all worthwhile.

*** bless

88IROCARMY 07-28-2003 12:46 AM

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Hello everyone,
Still here in Iraq and it seems that I will be stuck in this lovely country til April. Attacks on convoys are a daily problem, we lost some trucks to mines and RPG. No casualties.

Third Gen Firebird Trans-Am spotted in Iraq:
While on a convoy I saw my first Thirdgen car, it was on the side of the road. A white 86-87 Firebird, Trans-Am. It had Iraqi plates.
I did not get a chance to stop for a closer look. Now you know that there are Thirgens in Iraq.

Please feel free to send packages, rumor has it that the postal system will send packages free to soldiers in Iraq.

I have attached another pictures>


Zap Racing 07-28-2003 11:17 AM


Ragin'87 08-01-2003 11:16 AM

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I got the package, thanks. I'm sorry I couldn't get more over to you guys. I tried, but it seems I enlisted with a bunch of spineless turds. G0d willing their DI will straighten that out real quick and fast like, or they'll catch a speed-lace to the rear, either way sorry I couldn't generate more goods for you guys over there. Benning becomes my home on tuesday, I doubt I finish training or have access to a computer before you get ready to ship back to the US, so in the meantime, good luck, stay safe, and watch your six.

91DropTopTA 08-01-2003 07:11 PM

88IrocArmy, I've got a package with some things here to send out monday, but do you have any specific requests? Anything anyone needs or is running short? Keep your head down over there.

Ragin'87, have fun at Benning. If you think dealing with the guys in DEP is a pain wait until you get to Benning. What's your MOS? I was an 11M.

D M N 08-01-2003 07:52 PM

hey man does are awsome pics
Be safe man

Ragin'87 08-02-2003 01:26 AM

11X, they'll tell me that last letter in about 9 weeks I guess.

88IROCARMY 08-07-2003 10:35 PM

still here
Hello members
All is well ,however, our soldiers are still dying here.
Things that are on our wish list:
sun glasses
also on the bgi wish list
used DVDs, music CDs
anything you send is welcome
we plenty of soap, toothpaste, etc

I will try to reward senders with some Saddam Dinars (money).

Ragin 87 good luck with getting 11X, then it's of to Airborne School right? Then Ranger School?

We are trying to stay as safe as possible, but the attacks come from cowards that will not face us.
I want to thank everyone for their support.

88IROCARMY 08-07-2003 10:36 PM

still here
Hello members
All is well ,however, our soldiers are still dying here.
Things that are on our wish list:
sun glasses
also on the big wish list
used DVDs, music CDs
anything you send is welcome
we have plenty of soap, toothpaste, etc

I will try to reward senders with some Saddam Dinars (money).

Ragin 87 good luck with getting 11X, then it's of to Airborne School right? Then Ranger School?

We are trying to stay as safe as possible, but the attacks come from cowards that will not face us.
I want to thank everyone for their support.

Rex Orr 08-10-2003 10:56 AM

Hello 88 Iroc Army you let me know when you return and i will send you a free hood of your chose i will pay shipping also . be safe and hurry home soon . sincerely rex orr

88IROCARMY 08-24-2003 11:39 AM

got boost ?
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First I want thank Rex Orr for his great offer, I might take you up on it.
Looks like I'm stuck here til April. Atleast the 125 degree days are almost gone. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer.

In the photo I'm dreaming of adding a Soviet Turbo from a jet aircraft to one of our hummers. (fantasy)

Got Boost?

Rex Orr 08-24-2003 11:53 AM

Hello 88irocarmy you be sure and let me know when you get back i really want to help you out with one of our products. take care and be safe. see ya rex

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