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Seller ron reece (2)
ron reece
04-01-2010, 03:21 PM
bought a maf from me, used it for 2 weeks, then cut a screen out of it and now claims it doesn't work.
when he originally claimed it didn't work i offered a full refund (i figured he bought it, hoping that was the problem with his car, and when he found out it wasn't he just wanted the money back to buy the next part he hoped would fix his car). if this was the case i could always re-sell the maf. instead i get the maf back with the screen cut out and dirt clods in it.
read his post and it will show he had it for the two weeks, he admits to cutting out the screen, claims he cleaned it (he didn't-he just added dirt (it did have dust on it when shipped-but not dirt).
if you really tested it and it was bad why would you take it to the auto parts store, buy cleaner (that you didn't use), then cut out the screen?

04-02-2010, 01:04 AM
I did have it for two weeks, I did not use it for two weeks. I have told you over and over that I go to school full time and work full time, how about you try doing that while working on your car for hours a day? That is impossible, unless of course, you like screwing around at school and want to stay a dipshit your whole life.

I took it to the auto parts store in hope of them being able to test it. When they could not test it, they told me what to do. Why would I waste ten bucks on MAF Sensor cleaner that I did not plan to use? It is very much cleaner now then it was when I received it. I even took a picture of the MAF Sensor cleaner can to prove I tried to make it work. I can even take another picture with my name on it if you still do not believe me.

You are still going on about the screen? Well Mr. Wise Guy, why don't you go educate yourself about how a MAF Sensor works, those screens do nothing.

"To buy another part" you said? Well that statement is completely wrong because I am not a dipshit, I know exactly what is wrong with my car. I can even show my receipt for a brand new MAF sensor (over $150) that I have to buy because I am getting ripped off.

In the end, you are the one loosing, because I am at a higher intelligence level then you and I always will be. So this is the last time that I will ever even think about talking to you, unless you are refunding my money. BTW, that broken MAF Sensor that you sold me is still legally mine and I only sent it back because you said you would refund my money. So send that piece of **** back if your going to be a ******* and sell broken parts.
Oh and you will never sell parts on this web site again because I will be sure to be the first person to post up that you ripped me off, who is going to want to buy parts off the internet from a person that has claims against him for ripping someone else off? NOBODY.

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